Airscape Coffee Canister Review

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

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I was recently in the market for a new container to store my beloved coffee beans. After doing some research, I purchased an Airscape coffee canister to use and review.

I was recently in the market for a new container to store my beloved coffee beans. After doing some research, I purchased an Airscape coffee canister to use and review.

When the Amazon package arrived, I could hardly wait to open it. Then, one thing led to another. Before I knew it, I had amassed a collection of Airscape canisters in various sizes and colors.

Sigh, the life of a coffee gear junkie. Oh well, at least I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to protect freshness and flavor for coffee beans anymore. These Airscape canisters are friggin awesome!

I know some of you are researching which coffee canister to purchase at the moment, so I’m putting together this quick Airscape review here to assist you in your decision making.

Airscape Coffee Canister

Best Coffee Canister

High quality

Vacuum seal

Airtight seal

Beautiful colors

More expensive than some brands

You’ll be tempted to buy several

Planetary Design: The Inventors of Airscape

Planetary Design is the company behind Airscape coffee canisters. The idea for the company came to life on a backpacking adventure in Montana, when it was decided that being in the great outdoors shouldn’t limit someone’s ability to brew great coffee.

Their first product was a stainless steel French press coffee maker. It wasn’t until later that they produced their stellar Airscape line of products for keeping coffee fresh. The key to the success of the Airscape canisters is the patented design of their plunger lid.

Airscape Patented Plunger Lid

Airscape plunger lid.

Each Airscape coffee canister comes with two lids. The inner lid is the plunger that actively removes oxygen, while the top lid is an airtight lid that provides a second layer of freshness protection.

Without the plunger lid, an Airscape canister would only be a high quality airtight canister, like you might see with a Coffee Gator Canister or Veken Coffee Canister. In practical terms, airtight canisters have a decreasing level of effectiveness as the amount of coffee beans in a canister is reduced.

Airscape plunger lid.

Let’s say you put 16 ounces of whole beans in a canister to start. As 16 is reduced to 12 and then to eight, the volume of space between the top lid and the coffee beans grows and is full of air that hastens the rate at which coffee quality degrades.

In comes the plunger lid to save the day. Having the inner plunger lid solves this problem by resting right on top of the coffee beans, no matter how many you have in the storage container.

As you use up your beans, you just push the plunger lid further down into the container. It fits snugly against the outside walls of the canister. The downward motion of the inner lid forces oxygen out of the canister through a two way valve, creating a vacuum seal. That valve gets closed when you fold the handle to the side, preventing oxygen from creeping back in.

Storing the stainless steel Airscape coffee scoop.

The space between the inner lid and outer lid is an ideal spot to put your coffee scoop.

Airscape Coffee Canister Materials

Airscape canister materials.

With the exception of the Airscape Kilo, Airscape canisters are available in four different materials. The plastic and glass versions are meant for cereal, flour, sugar, nuts and the like. Airscape’s coffee canisters are made of either ceramic or 18/8 restaurant grade stainless steel.

Airscape Kilo containers are made of galvanized steel instead of stainless steel, the difference being that galvanized steel is coated in a layer of zinc. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is steel that has been mixed with 10% or more of chromium.

While you could, technically, store coffee in the plastic and glass containers, they are not opaque, so harmful UV rays would reach your coffee.

The ceramic Airscape coffee canisters are slightly heavier than the stainless steel ones. A medium sized ceramic canister is 2.83 pounds, while the stainless steel equivalent is only 15.8 ounces. Each has durable construction and will prolong the shelf life of coffee.

Both the ceramic and stainless steel canisters come with an inner plastic plunger lid that’s BPA free. The top lid on the stainless steel ones is also made of BPA free plastic, whereas the top lid on the ceramic canisters is bamboo.

Rubber pad on bottom of Airscape container.

A rubber pad is on the bottom of all Airscape canisters. It prevents the container from sliding around.

Airscape Coffee Canister Sizes and Volumes

Airscape canister with coffee beans.

Below is a chart that outlines the sizes and volumes of Airscape coffee canisters. I recommend people go with the medium sized canisters because the use of the plunger lid allows for a medium canister to operate as a small one when needed.

That’s pretty ideal, when you think about it. You can effectively use a medium canister with 4 ounces (250 grams) of specialty Geisha coffee beans, and then turn around and use it for 12-16 ounces (340-500 grams) of other coffee beans. It really is the perfect size!

Airscape kilo with bags of coffee beans.
Airscape kilo with bags of coffee beans.

I don’t recommend you purchase the large Kilo version of the Airscape coffee canister unless you’re burning through coffee beans at lightning speed. Some people use it to store several bags of whole beans without dumping them into the container. Doing so is risky though, as pockets of air are created that can damage your prized beans.

Airscape Size and Volume Chart

Airscape SmallAirscape MediumAirscape Kilo
Dimensions5″W x 4″H5″W x 7″H7.5″W x 8″H
Coffee Bean Capacity8 oz (250 g)1 lb (500 g)2.5 lbs (1.1 kg)
Ground Coffee Capacity10 oz (275 g)1.25 lbs (550 g)3.13 lbs (1.42 kg)

Airscape Coffee Canister Colors

Airscape coffee canister colors lined up side by side.

Thankfully, Airscape makes their coffee canisters available in a wide range of colors. There are the typical go to colors of black, white and brushed steel. However, for those looking for more pizazz, there’s a whole rainbow of other color options available.

I’m personally a fan of the matte color options, but would be just as happy with the gloss options. The multiple colors of Airscape canisters also make them stylish gifts that will enhance any kitchen or pantry.

Airscape Coffee Canister Unboxing

Airscape unboxing.

One thing I didn’t realize before I ordered my medium sized Airscape coffee canisters was that they come wrapped in a cloth bag. So, I was quite pleased when I opened the box and discovered this surprise.

Honestly, I’m not sure what I’ll do with the bags now, but Airscape definitely scores points for presentation! It sure beats all of the styrofoam packaging that I usually receive and have to deal with.

Airscape cloth bag.

I guess if I were traveling with an Airscape canister, I could always use the bag to protect it. For now, I think I’ll use it to wrap up an extra French press I don’t use often.

Airscape Coffee Canister Purchase Considerations

Airscape plunger lid.

Here’s a quick rundown of prices for Airscape coffee canisters of various sizes and materials.

Airscape Price Chart

Airscape SmallAirscape MediumAirscape Kilo
Stainless Steel$31.00$36.00N/A
Galvanized SteelN/AN/A$41.00

Airscape Incentives

When buying an Airscape coffee canister or canisters, there are also some purchase incentives for getting multiple containers at a time. So be aware that you can save some money by taking advantage of volume pricing.

Airscape canister set of two.

You can get one small canister and one medium canister together as a set. A ceramic set runs $55.80 on Amazon, while a stainless steel set is slightly cheaper at $64.00.

Airscape canister set of four.

There’s also an option to purchase a set of four canisters for $117.69. The set comes with two medium canisters and two small canisters. One pair is obsidian black and the other cobalt blue.

Airscape canister with coffee scoop set.

Lastly, Airscape makes a stainless steel coffee scoop that sells for $22.99. However, you can also purchase it together with a medium sized ceramic canister for a combined cost of $43.00. Unfortunately, buying this way won’t save you a ton and limits your color options.

How to Use an Airscape Coffee Canister

Airscape plunger lid up to open the valve.
Plunger Valve Open
Airscape plunger lid down to close the valve.
Plunger Valve Closed

Truthfully, storing coffee beans has never been easier than it is now! In principle, a vacuum seal protects coffee beans just like a vacuum seal protects wine in an open bottle. By removing the air, you slow the oxidation process.

Airscape’s patented lid actively removes air, while protecting against harmful UV light, taste transfer from foods, moisture, insects etc. That is, so long as you use the canister correctly!

Using an Airscape coffee canister is simple. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Pour coffee beans or ground coffee into the canister.

  2. While ensuring the handle of the plunger lid is upright – this opens the valve – push the plunger lid down until it is resting against the coffee. You’ll hear a swoosh.

  3. Then, flip the handle down sideways to close the valve.

  4. Finally, affix the outer lid to the top of the canister.

Degassing Coffee Beans

A bag of open coffee beans degassing in Airscape canister.

Now, I know some of you want the chance to let your coffee beans breathe a bit to allow CO2 to escape before engaging a vacuum seal. I’m right there with you and have a solution.

Simply remove the plunger lid from the canister. Then, open your bag of coffee beans and place the whole thing inside. Lastly, put the outer lid on the container to create an airtight seal (not vacuum). Doing so will give your beans space to breathe a bit while keeping the coffee fresh.

Alternatively, you could also just go ahead and pour the beans into the container. The trick is not using the vacuum seal from the plunger lid during degassing.

A bag of coffee beans degassing in Airscape canister.

After 2-3 days, or whenever you’re satisfied that the freshly roasted coffee beans have had enough time to breathe, remove the outer and inner lids, dump the coffee beans into the canister and engage the vacuum seal. This strategy should satisfy both the vacuum sealed and airtight storage camps.

That said, I strongly encourage you to take shipping time into consideration when making your calculations. In light of current shipping company delays, sometimes freshly roasted coffee beans don’t reach you until 7-10 days after being roasted. Depending on the kind of bag they were shipped in, your beans may have already had sufficient time to degas. I’ve seen it happen both ways.

For more information about keeping coffee fresh, be sure to check out my article on How to Store Coffee Beans.

Airscape Coffee Canister Cleaning

Airscape coffee canister cleaning.

You won’t need to wash your Airscape coffee canisters very often. When you do, remember that the lids are hand wash only.

If you do decide to put your canisters in the dishwasher, it really is crucial that you still clean the lids by hand. You want to avoid letting water get down inside the valve on the plunger lid. It’s also important not to let water get behind the gasket on the airtight lid.

Additionally, it’s best to use a mild detergent like the free-and-clear version of Seventh Generation Natural Dishwashing Liquid for washing. That way you don’t leave the odor of dish detergent behind to transfer to your beans.

Also, be sure to let your Airscape canisters dry completely before storing coffee inside of them.

Replacement Parts for Airscape Storage Containers

Airscape replacement parts.

A lot of companies sell replacement parts for their products, but not everyone does so with the same level of integrity as Planetary Design. I can’t stand it when it’s cheaper to purchase a new product than to replace something on one with minor issues. This is terrible for the planet and fills landfills with unnecessary waste.

Apparently, the owners of Planetary Design share my sentiment. You can get replacement plungers, top lids and gaskets on their website at reasonable prices. When they read this, I hope they’ll also consider making spare parts available on the Amazon website.

Verdict: What’s Fresh Today Will Be Fresh Tomorrow

Airscape Coffee Canister

Best Coffee Canister

High quality

Vacuum seal

Airtight seal

Beautiful colors

More expensive than some brands

You’ll be tempted to buy several

I wouldn’t recommend a product without testing it first myself. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this review, purchasing one Airscape coffee canister led to me buying several more.

I believe you’ll be happy with the quality and features of Airscape canisters. Without a doubt, they will keep your coffee beans fresh!

They also make a perfect companion to a super automatic espresso machine, semi automatic espresso machine or coffee maker.

If you feel the need to do some additional research, check out my article Choosing the Best Coffee Storage Container – Yes, You Absolutely Need One. In it, I take a look at 15 different coffee canisters.

Just know, you can’t go wrong with Airscape!

Airscape FAQ

There are two varieties of Airscape canisters for storing perishable goods. The glass and plastic containers are ideal for food items, where you want to preserve food freshness while avoiding the transfer of other kitchen odors. One version has even been designed around pet food storage.

Airscape coffee canisters are made of ceramic or stainless steel and do not allow ultraviolet light in. They are ideal for storing whole coffee beans, ground coffee and tea.

Airscape also recently released Cannascape, which is designed for storage of certain “herbal” remedies.

Other items can be stored in Airscape containers as well. Just let your imagination wander!

Yes, ground coffee can be stored in an Airscape coffee canister. The small canister can hold 10 ounces (250 grams) of ground coffee. The medium can hold 1.25 pounds (550 grams) and large 3.13 pounds (1.42 kilograms) of ground coffee.

Yes, tea leaves can be stored in an Airscape coffee canister. Just keep in mind that Airscape containers that have previously been used for coffee might transfer odors internally if not cleaned properly. Personally, I’d have a separate container for coffee storage and tea storage.

First, fill your Airscape canister with coffee beans or ground coffee. Next, flip the handle up on the plunger lid and insert it into the canister. Stop when the patented lid is firmly against the coffee. After that, fold down the handle on the plunger lid to close the valve. Lastly, place the airtight lid on top.

The plunger lids and airtight outer lids of Airscape coffee canisters need to be washed by hand. It’s important that water is not allowed to get into the valve on the plunger lid. You also don’t want to let water get behind the gasket on the airtight lid. Be sure to allow the canister and lid to dry completely before adding coffee for storage.

The plunger and airtight lids on Airscape coffee canisters are not dishwasher safe. They are hand wash only. You can technically put the canister itself in the dishwasher, but hand washing with a mild, odor free detergent is best.

Absolutely! In fact, the owners of Planetary Design, who manufactures Airscape, came up with their first product while on a backpacking trip in Montana.

Do note that the restaurant grade stainless steel containers are the lightest in weight and most durable, which makes them ideal for camping trips. It’s also totally realistic to use the same container at home in your kitchen and at your campsite in the woods, which is super convenient.

As always, if you have any questions about Airscape coffee canisters, please let me know in the comments. I’m here to help!

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Arne Preuss

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

More about Arne Preuss

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

More about Arne Preuss

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