How to Make a Cappuccino: The Difficult Relationship Between Espresso and Milk

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

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Once upon a time, cappuccino was one of the most popular ways to drink coffee with steamed milk. Learning how to make a cappuccino became a part of standard barista training. You had to know your cappuccino recipe by heart. Shoot, I still dream I’m making cappuccinos when I sleep!

Once upon a time, cappuccino was one of the most popular ways to drink coffee with steamed milk. Learning how to make a cappuccino became a part of standard barista training. You had to know your cappuccino recipe by heart. Shoot, I still dream I’m making cappuccinos when I sleep!

Why did cappuccino grow in popularity? Well, that’s because it has the perfect cup size and ratio of steamed milk to coffee. It’s ideal for those who find straight espresso too strong and latte macchiatos overly milky.

Over time, ideas about how to make a cappuccino have changed. Someone got the bright idea that this coffee classic needs to be bigger, sweeter, topped with sprinkles and just fancier in general.

This bourgeois logic has been identified by coffee historians as an identity crisis of sorts. Some would say the drink has been sidelined completely.

It almost borders on irony that the super automatic espresso machine, of all things, is bringing an end to this crisis. Once people started tailoring their own delicious homemade cappuccino recipes, its popularity returned, phoenix-like, from the ashes.

Still, what really sets it apart? How does cappuccino differ from cafe latte, latte macchiato and all the rest? Most importantly, we want to know how to make a cappuccino, while bringing out the best in our milk and coffee. In this updated guide, all will be revealed.

What Is a Cappuccino?

If us coffee lovers want to answer the question: What is cappuccino? we should ask the inventors. Coffeeness reader Daniel has provided us with an enlightening link: The Istituto Nazionale Espresso Italiano (INEI) has published an explanatory brochure in English with a solid definition of espresso and cappuccino. According to this, a “high-quality” Italian cappuccino consists of:

25 ml (0.84 oz) espresso and 100 ml (3.38 oz) steamed milk

That’s it.

Breville Barista Touch Cappuccino

No cinnamon or cocoa powder. No caramel or chocolate flavored syrups either. Above all, no huge cups that would make even a cafe latte jealous.

The institute recommends using cow’s milk with a minimum protein content of 3.2 percent and a fat content of 3.5 percent. It should be steamed to a volume of about 4.2 ounces (125 milliliters).

Even if you don’t follow the INEI’s specifications in terms of coffee beans and skip the “certified Italian beans” part, the cappuccino should end up being a love poem:

[…] [cappuccino] has an intense aroma combining the underlying scents of flowers and fruits with the bolder scents of milk, of toasted (cereals, caramel), chocolate (cocoa, vanilla) and dried fruits. […] It discloses its remarkable body through an inviting sensation of cream and of high spherical perception, supported by a mild bitter taste and by a balanced, almost imperceptible acidity.

For me, the most important word in this ode is balance: frothed milk and espresso working together rather than trying to outdo each other. Keep that in mind as you learn how to make cappuccino.

Coffee for Fully Automatic Espresso Machines

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What Does Cappuccino Mean?

Cappuccino actually got its start in Vienna, where it was known as Kapuziner. This was during the 1700s, when no one wanted to drink their coffee without sugary stuff and creamy toppings.

Kapuziner is still a popular coffee drink in Austria. In the early days, strong mocha was blended with a blob of cream to create a brown that resembled the hood of a Capuchin friar’s habit.

Italians have always thought coffee was better with steamed milk than whipped cream, and traded in the fat tower for milk foam. The color remained and the name was Italianized with the diminutive form of hood.

Espresso is different from mocha, steamed milk is different from whipped cream. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that the Viennese and the Roman hoods are often mixed up.

You may be wondering what the correct plural of cappuccino is. Cappuccini may be right, but whoever comes at me with that will get hit with a coffee bag! Say cappuccinos. Or simply say nothing at all.

Cappuccino vs Latte Macchiato

DeLonghi La Specialista Art Latte Macchiato

It’s significant that the Italian coffee guardians haven’t published a brochure on latte macchiato. For them, the layered milk-espresso giant is a children’s drink that has little to do with coffee enjoyment.

It all starts with the volume of steamed milk: while you foam up around 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) of milk for a cappuccino, it’s around 6.8 ounces (200 milliliters) for a latte macchiato. In total, this adds up to around 10 ounces (300 milliliters) of foamed milk. And that’s with the same amount of espresso. That said, many prefer their lattes with a double shot.

The foam for a latte macchiato should also be somewhat firmer, to support the layers. The whole thing is poured into a glass, while a cappuccino is traditionally served in a small cappuccino cup. Ideally there shouldn’t be any layers to gawk at.

What’s the ideal vessel for delivery? I personally prefer drinking cappuccino in a double-walled glass.

Flat White vs Cappuccino: All for the Love of Latte Art?

Milchschaum Flat White

Cappuccino and flat white are close relatives. Some would even say that the flat white takes the cappuccino back to its origins. That’s because the Australian invention relies exclusively on the best coffee and flowing, fine milk foam. In fact, we could call the flat white a wet cappuccino.

The key difference, however, is in the coffee beans. A flat white also relies on espresso beans, but with a lighter roast profile, often featuring distinctly floral and fruity notes.

This has to do with Australia’s tea-drinking tradition. Robust espresso with dominant notes of cocoa and chocolate is simply not as popular Down Under.

If we look at the foamed milk and its consistency, we could also assume that the flat white has taken off because baristas can create pretty designs with it. Thanks to latte art, the drink can now cost a few dollars more.

How Much Caffeine Is in a Cappuccino?

A simple espresso, latte macchiato, caffe latte, flat white and cappuccino are identical in one respect: they all have the same – nominal – caffeine content. After all, they’re based on a single 0.8-ounce (25-milliliter) shot of espresso.

According to our caffeine study, this equals 68 milligrams of caffeine with the roast we used. Per 3.4 ounce (100 milliliter), that’s 273 milligrams. If you’re concerned about the risks of consuming coffee during pregnancy, take the following guidelines to heart:

Coffeeness Caffeine Test Caffeine Per Serving

Given the all-clear from their doctor, pregnant women may consume up to 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. Ordinarily, the recommended daily limit is 400 milligrams. In short, does a cappuccino have caffeine? Yes, but not a lot.

How Many Calories in a Cappuccino?

I’m only answering this question because you’re asking it. Not because I think counting calories is a good idea.

However, the answer shows us that a cappuccino in its original form adds practically nothing to your daily intake:

  • 3.8 ounces (100 milliliters) of whole milk contains a maximum of 70 calories

  • Vegan cappuccino with unsweetened almond milk contains about 30 calories

  • Oat milk contains about 50 calories

You can learn more about the energy content of various popular coffee drinks in my guide to non-dairy milk.

It’s clear that it’s not the drink itself that’s to blame if your jeans feel a little tighter. Rather, it’s the mischief that’s involved in the consumption of too many cappuccinos.

If you ask for whipped cream, you’re looking at around 335 calories per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). The same amount of a topping like caramel sauce has about 400 calories, depending on the manufacturer.

How to Make a Cappuccino at Home

Given espresso is one of the ingredients, will we need an espresso machine or a super automatic coffee machine? Definitely. If you want to learn how to make a cappuccino at home without an espresso machine, a moka pot along with a milk frother will do in a pinch. However, the flavor profile becomes less complex and we definitely aren’t dealing with true espresso.

Solis Barista Perfetta Plus Espressomaschine Milch Aufschaeumen Nah

Whichever preparation method you’re using, there are a few things that will bring you closer to achieving the perfect cappuccino:

  • Always preheat cups and mugs. The relatively small amount of milk and coffee in the cup causes the temperature to drop relatively quickly.

  • Work quickly. Espresso and hot steamed milk or milk foam should be combined quickly to achieve the requisite creaminess.

  • Froth milk or pull the shot of espresso first? First the espresso, then the frothed milk. Always.

For a primer on foamed milk, you’ll want to read Milk Foam: Preparations, Tools and the Right Milk.

Choosing the Best Milk and Coffee Beans for Cappuccino

A traditional cappuccino is Italian, so do we need coffee beans or espresso with a strong Italian profile? Yes and no.

A manageable ratio of espresso to hot milk ensures that bold roasts really come through strongly – even when full-fat whole milk or sweet, plant-based alternatives work against them.

Coffee for Fully Automatic Espresso Machines

Coffeeness Signature Espresso Blend

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Notes of Chocolate & Hazelnut

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However, as we’ve already noted, cappuccino is all about the balance between coffee notes and creamy milk foam sweetness. Again, this is different from latte macchiato, where we need stronger coffee accents to stand up to all that milk.

What’s in your milk jug and the beans you choose will strongly influence your preparation. So, as you practice making cappuccino, consider the style of your milk and what the dominant notes of your roast are. If they work against each other, you should change one component. Either less milk and more coffee or more milk and less coffee. Once they have the perfect balance, you’re good to go.

Two examples:

  1. If you’re using milk with a lower fat content or a more neutral plant-based milk (almond, for example) lighter roasts are a good idea.

  2. If you’re a fan of oat milk cappuccinos or like to go all out with the fat and protein content of your dairy milk, more assertive beans are a better choice.

How to Make a Cappuccino With an Espresso Machine

It goes without saying that the best way to make a delicious cappuccino is with an espresso machine. You prepare a cappuccino using the same basic principles as any other milk-based espresso drink:

  1. Use about 7 grams of finely and freshly ground coffee to extract 0.7-0.8 ounces (20-25 milliliters) of espresso, under 9 bars of pressure. The extraction time should be about 25 seconds. Check out my coffee grind size chart for more information on grinding coffee. 

  2. Meanwhile (dual boiler) or afterward (single boiler) use the steam wand to froth cold milk. Make sure the overall consistency is homogeneous and not overly aerated, with fine pores.

  3. Pour the hot milk over the espresso shot immediately after steaming. If you’re able, use the coffee crema to create a heart, rosetta or other latte art. If you prefer a dry cappuccino, forget the whole latte art thing.

Some will argue that when you froth milk it should be firm enough to stand out as a small mound over the rim of the cup. However, this is one of the many misconceptions about cappuccinos. Here, the hood is interpreted as an object, not a color.

In reality, mountainous foam is too firm to tease out the desired creaminess and sweetness. Moreover, in a cappuccino with firm foam, the coffee and milk don’t mix well when you drink it. And that’s what we’re all about, after all.

How to Make a Cappuccino With an Automatic Espresso Machine

A super automatic espresso machine with a cappuccino button or cappuccino recipe is practically a given – at least if the machine has a milk frothing system.

However, many models in my automatic espresso machine reviews have a functional handicap: they prepare a cappuccino in the same order as a latte macchiato, by dispensing the steamed milk foam first, then the espresso.

Nivona Caferomatica 970 Cappuccino Beziehen

As we’ve now learned, it’s crucial that the milk foam and coffee combine perfectly in a cappuccino. This only works when you brew an espresso first and froth milk second.

That’s why it’s no surprise that manufacturers whose cappuccino recipe brews in the correct order like to brag about it.

Some older espresso machines already have the term cappuccino in their name, including DeLonghi Magnifica Rapid Cappuccino or Saeco Royal Cappuccino.

These are relics from a time when a cappuccino from an automatic coffee maker was still something special. Latte macchiato from one of these machines wasn’t even a consideration. The name is only meant to mark that a specific super automatic espresso machine can prepare frothed milk.

We’ll discuss the special features of cappuccino from a super automatic coffee machine in a separate guide. At this point, you only need to remember a few important points.

Key Factors

  1. If the programmed cappuccino recipe gets things the wrong way around, you can program the correct parameters for preparing espresso and steamed milk via user profiles. You can also be extra sneaky by intervening in the recipe for cafe latte.

  2. Depending on the espresso machine, first, adjust the coffee strength down or to an average value. Once the amount of foamed milk is correct, try it out and then perhaps increase the coffee strength a little.

  3. If the consistency of the milk foam can be adjusted, such as on the DeLonghi Magnifica S, it’s best to select an average value. If the steamed milk is too thin, you can always select a firmer foam level.

Our friend Chris had another ingenious idea for the sequence problem: simply steam milk and espresso separately from the start!

This won’t pose a problem with most super automatic espresso machines. I think it’s a great solution that mimics how we use an espresso machine. It’s also convenient for preparing a latte macchiato.

Cups or Glasses: What’s the Proper Way To Drink a Cappuccino?

You won’t see cappuccino glasses in third wave coffee shops or at Starbucks. They’re really popular for home use, though – especially insulated double-walled glasses.

That makes sense. After all, we’ve already established that the temperature of a cappuccino can drop quite quickly.

Breville Barista Express Impress Cappuccino

I also think glasses are the best way to monitor quality. If you want to learn how to make a cappuccino well and calibrate your espresso machine accordingly, you need a detailed view of how the milk foam turned out, if it combines well with the espresso etc.

At this point I should mention my Coffeeness double-walled glasses. With a 6.8-ounce (200-milliliter) capacity, they’ve been optimized to help you make the perfect cappuccino.

The Perfect Cappuccino: Two Ingredients and a Rethink

I can just about deal with a splash of hazelnut flavored syrup or a touch of Amaretto. With monstrosities such as Irish cappuccino, not so much.

The crazy mania to pimp the Italian classic with stuff is mainly due to the fact that the ratio of milk to espresso has become ever more skewed. Plus, cheap, over-roasted beans are commonplace and too many people are ignorant of the difference between a cappuccino, latte macchiato and cafe latte.

I am of the opinion that this can be easily changed. We just need to put the cocoa shaker back in its place, stop accepting instant stuff as cappuccino and refrain from getting caught up with buzzwords like frozen or blended.

Perfect cappuccino encapsulates everything we love about coffee and frothed milk! Do you have any tips and ideas about how to make a cappuccino at home you’d like me to highlight in the next round of updates? Keep leaving comments! 

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Updated: 19. July 2024
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Arne Preuss

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

More about Arne Preuss

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

More about Arne Preuss

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