Best Burr Coffee Grinder in 2025: For Brewing Everything From Pour-Over Coffee to Espresso

Looking to up your coffee game in 2025? You're gonna need the best burr coffee grinder for your brewing style. Do you know how to decide which coffee grinder is the best for you? Let me show you.


Coffee Grinders Reviewed


LBS of Coffee Beans Used


Hours of Testing

My rating:

Still reigns supreme

Rugged and durable

Elegant design

Nitro blade burrs

Very expensive

My rating:

The Baratza Sette 270Wi -- my favorite grinder for espresso

Unique design with “brains”

Up to 270 grind settings

Very easy operation

Some find the weighing feature “error-prone”

My rating:

Great little hand coffee grinder

Rugged stainless steel housing

Very affordable

High-quality ceramic grinder

Not suitable for large quantities of coffee

My rating:

The Best Coffee Grinder for Drip and Chemex

Minimal Static Charge

Easy To Clean

Easy To Use

Not Suitable for Espresso

Quite Loud

My rating:

Great for Drip and Pour Over


Sleek design

Tinted bean hopper

Not suited for espresso

My rating:

A solid performer, especially for drip machines


Different grinding modes

Fine grinding stages


Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

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If you’re searching for the best burr coffee grinder, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Coffeeness, our philosophy is: anyone who drinks coffee from a pod has lost control of their life.

But, I think I need to expand on that philosophy because, if you’re drinking coffee made from pre-ground beans, you’re also in need of some coffee counseling. Hence, your need to know how to choose the best coffee grinder for your style of brewing.

One question people like to ask is, “Do I really need a coffee grinder?” So, let me explain why adding a burr grinder to your life is important. You see, even the highest quality coffee beans lose their delightful aromas within minutes of grinding. So, when you purchase coffee pods or any form of pre-ground coffee, you’re actually getting stale coffee.

While each brewing method requires a different grind texture, not every burr coffee grinder is equally suited to both coarse and fine grinding. In an ideal world — and kitchen — you’d have a whole arsenal of different coffee bean grinders to choose from. That’s not realistic for most of us, so we need to choose the best burr coffee grinder for our particular needs … whether that be making espresso, pour over or French press.

It’s not as simple as throwing in some beans and hitting a button. This is why I’ll go into lots of detail and dig into subcategories in this best burr coffee grinder guide.

For example, I’ll go into more detail about the differences between manual and electric burr grinders. And no, it’s not just about the power cable.

Other important factors I know you’ll want to keep an eye on are:

  • Getting the best value for your money

  • Acceptable noise levels

Just like with my super automatic espresso machine reviews, I’ll also explore the wonderful world of coffee grinder design.

Our Top 10 Best Burr Coffee Grinder Quick Picks

Whether you’re looking for your first conical burr coffee grinder or thinking of an upgrade, making a final decision isn’t easy. I mean, with so many options available, how the heck are you supposed to choose?

Don’t worry, I’ll go over everything you need to know before committing later in this guide. I’ll even throw in tips for getting the most out of your burr grinder, as well as a quick cleaning guide.

In the meantime, here’s a top 10 list of my favorite burr coffee grinders:

1Product List Image


High-quality build

Consistent results

Chic design

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Consistent results

Ceramic conical burrs

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Titanium-coated burrs

Incredible grind range

Suitable for all brewing methods

4Product List Image


Tons of features

High-quality build

270 grind adjustment settings

5Product List Image


Relatively affordable

Great for espresso

Large user interface

6Product List Image


Great for pour over

Timer function

Affordable option

7Product List Image


Suitable for all brew methods

40 grind adjustment settings

Great value

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Ideal for coarser grind sizes

16 grind adjustment settings

9Product List Image


Very quiet in operation

Minimalist design

31 grind adjustment settings

10Product List Image


Beautiful design

Great value

Extremely versatile

How to Choose the Right Burr Coffee Grinder For You

My golden rule for coffee is that if you’ve gone all out on a home espresso machine, your grinder should at least match it in price and quality. If you’re a French press or pour over coffee lover, you can get away with a more affordable coffee grinder. That said, my idea of “affordable” might not be the same as yours.

Ordering a separate grinder along with each new coffee machine would really be the right way to do it. Of course, no one does. After all, it would seem like overkill, right? Still, that would be the logical course of action.

So, how do you find your way around the world of coffee bean grinders? Here are the broad categories to be aware of when searching for the best burr coffee grinder to fit your needs:

Coffee Grinder Budget

There’s little doubt that budget will be one of the main driving factors when it comes to choosing the best burr coffee grinder for your needs. Still, if you’re dedicated to the idea of making top-notch coffee at home, think of a coffee burr grinder as a worthy investment.

In many cases, your coffee grinder will cost quite a bit more than your coffee brewing equipment. For example, a Hario V60 dripper will set you back a measly $26.53. However, if you plan on using high-quality coffee beans and taking the time to hone your technique, purchasing one of the top rated coffee grinders will be essential.

With all that said, a solid coffee grinder doesn’t have to send you into bankruptcy. You’ll find plenty of affordable options below. Still, don’t imagine you can get away with buying a cheap blade grinder. That’ll just be a waste of money.

Type of Burr Coffee Grinder

Broadly speaking, burr coffee grinders can be divided into two distinct categories: manual and electric. Of course, there’s a whole lot more to consider – such as burr type and materials used – all of which I’ll get into later. For now, though, you should think about whether it’s a hand grinder or an electric grinder you’re after.

Manual coffee grinders like the Timemore C3 Pro require a fair bit of elbow grease and only grind small portions at a time. But, they’re often on point when it comes to espresso. Additionally, you can use them anywhere and everywhere without electricity. Be warned, the price of the higher-end models might put you in tears.

Electric coffee grinders save you from having to sweat but mean you’re stuck with the machines’ capabilities — or limitations. There’s a huge range of options and prices. Plus, almost every model is designed for a specific preparation method. That’s why, when I make espresso, for example, I always haul out my beloved Baratza Sette 270Wi.

Preparation Method

Honestly, there’s no point spending extra money on an espresso-capable grinder if you’re only going to use it for drip coffee. In fact, if you tend to stick with one preparation method in particular, you’ll have an easier time finding a suitable grinder.

The Capresso Infinity Plus, for one, is a whizz at producing the coarser grinds needed for a French press, while the Comandante C40 MK3 Nitro Blade can produce powder even finer than what’s required for espresso.

In theory, all burr coffee grinders can produce the full spectrum of particle sizes. What makes some coffee grinders stand out from the crowd is the uniformity of the grind produced. To achieve a successful extraction, each and every particle should be the same size. Sure, I’m overstating it slightly, but consistency is important.

Coffee Grinder Design/Build

Unless you’re going for a compact hand grinder, countertop space will be an important consideration. Seeing as you’re looking for a coffee grinder, it’s almost a given that an espresso machine, drip coffee maker or pour over setup is already taking up space in your kitchen. With that in mind, it’s always a good idea to take measurements before committing to a bulky addition.

It almost goes without saying that stainless steel construction is better than plastic. However, if you’re on a tight budget you may have to sacrifice some amount of durability. There’s also the question of which burr material is better – stainless steel or ceramic. In short, there’s no definitive answer.

If aesthetics are important to you, the best burr coffee grinder will be both functional and beautiful. Personally, I think even the most basic, affordable grinder looks cool sitting in my kitchen. Still, if you want something stylish, there are plenty of options out there.

Burr Grinder Features

As you’re looking for the best home coffee grinder, manufacturers will try to sell you on every feature under the sun. That’s all good and well, but will you really need a portafilter cradle, for example, if you’ll only be using the grinder for a French press? Probably not. However, if espresso preparation is your thing, then yes, a portafilter cradle will be a great help.

Some affordable grinders, like the OXO Brew, have a timer function. That’s really cool to have, but you’ll need to change settings when you change beans. A function that allows you to grind by weight is way cooler. Still, you’ll only really see that on more expensive models. Anyway, a good coffee scale won’t set you back too much money.

It’s best not to get too distracted by the number of grind settings involved. After all, what’s really important is how effective the grinder is at maintaining consistency. As for bean hopper capacity, don’t worry about that too much either. Ideally, you should be using a coffee storage container and adding beans to the hopper before each use. Freshness is key!

Our Top 10 Best Burr Coffee Grinder Picks in Detail

Now that you’ve got a better idea of what to look for, it’s time to explore my best burr coffee grinder picks in detail. You’ll find three manual grinders first, then seven electric models. So, feel free to skip ahead if you like!

Comandante C40 MK4 Nitro Blade: Overall Best Manual Burr Coffee Grinder

Simply the best

Comandante C40 MK4 Nitro Blade

Still reigns supreme

Rugged and durable

Elegant design

Nitro blade burrs

Very consistent results

High-quality engineering

Very expensive

If my rhyming skills were more capable, I would compose a love poem dedicated to the Comandante C40 MK4 Nitro Blade. Since first reviewing it, this hand coffee grinder has traveled all over the world with me. And I’m not exaggerating! It’s the first thing I pack along with clean underwear … just not next to one another in the suitcase.

So far, I haven’t found another hand coffee grinder that delivers better precision across the grind spectrum and functions so flawlessly. Plus, to my knowledge, there’s no other hand coffee grinder that chews through beans faster.

This is thanks, in no small part, to the sophisticated way it transfers power and a double-ball-bearing mounted grinding mechanism. Bottom line, the beans are ground before your arm can even start complaining.

As is inevitably the case, the best manual coffee grinder comes at a price. At $369.50, this hand-crank grinder costs a chunk of change. And forget about a price drop down the line.

For that reason, I only recommend the Comandante if, like me, you’re a bit of a nomad and can’t bear life without great coffee everywhere you go. And, of course, if grinding coffee by hand helps you reach a higher state of consciousness.

See Also: Comandante Grinder Review

Porlex Mini: Best Portable Burr Coffee Grinder

best portable hand grinder

Porlex Mini

Great little hand coffee grinder

Rugged stainless steel housing

Very affordable

High-quality ceramic grinder

Compact dimensions

Easy to clean

Not suitable for large quantities of coffee

Costing just $58.00 on Amazon, the Porlex Mini is a fantastic option for those who want an affordable travel companion.

I just had to award the Porlex Mini the title of “Best Portable Hand Grinder,” not only because it’s compact, but also because it really performs. And when I say “compact,” I mean it. Seriously, you’ll only get around 30 grams of ground coffee from this thing. However, that’s easily enough for a portable brew method like the AeroPress. Speaking of, the Porlex Mini actually fits neatly inside the hollow of an Aeropress. How cool is that!

As for performance, the Porlex Mini’s ceramic conical burrs are most convincing at the finer end of the grind spectrum, making it the best ceramic burr coffee grinder. Plus, thanks to its intelligent design and rugged stainless steel build, you won’t have to worry about the Porlex breaking in transit.

Incidentally, those who worry that the Porlex Mini might be too limiting will be pleased to learn about the Porlex Tall. Also known as the JP-30, this version produces 40 grams of ground coffee and will set you back $69.80. Oh, and don’t ask me to explain why the larger grinder is cheaper. It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries … kind of like deciding on which came first, the chicken or the egg?

See Also: Porlex Mini Review

1zPresso J-Max: Best Inexpensive Burr Coffee Grinder

Simply Incredible

1Zpresso J-Max S Manual Coffee Grinder

A champion among hand grinders

48mm titanium coated stainless steel burrs

Staggering amount of grind settings

Magnetic catch cup

Easy to use

Suitable for all brewing methods

Rugged and stylish

Comandante might be worried

I simply had to include the wonderful 1Zpresso J-Max, seeing as it’s one of the most impressive manual coffee grinders I’ve ever used. In fact, the aforementioned Comandante only narrowly escaped from being toppled from its “Best Performing” throne!

The 1Zpresso J-Max costs a ridiculously reasonable $199.00. Seriously, I’d happily pay twice as much for this thing, given its build quality and performance.

Equipped with 48mm titanium-coated stainless steel burrs, the J Max makes short, easy work of grinding even the lightest roast coffee beans. That’s not all though; there are an astonishing 450 grind settings to choose from, with just 8.8 microns of movement between each click. That means this beauty works really well for espresso, as well as just about any other brewing method under the sun.

Thanks to its rugged design and magnetic catch cup, using the 1Zpresso J Max is a piece of cake. Plus, the grinder features a neat folding crank arm and comes with a durable, high-quality travel case. What more can I say? I absolutely love this hand grinder!

See Also: 1Zpresso J Max Review

Baratza Sette 270Wi: Best Burr Grinder for Espresso

best espresso grinder

Baratza Sette 270Wi

The Baratza Sette 270Wi — my favorite grinder for espresso

Unique design with “brains”

Up to 270 grind settings

Very easy operation

No dead space

Minimal static charge

Professional quality for home use

Some find the weighing feature “error-prone”

OK, so you already know that I consider Baratza Sette 270Wi the best burr grinder for espresso beans. And for good reason. Sure, you could get something more affordable, but you won’t find a grinder that produces a more uniform grind — and that does a clean and professional job of it.

Top coffee grinders do cost money though. The price tag on all that awesomeness is $599.95. A big chunk of that can be attributed to the intelligent built-in scale, which lets you grind by weight and is what the W in the model name refers to. As a result, dosing is spot-on. The much less expensive Baratza Sette 30 uses a timer for dosing.

To be honest a lot of what sets the Baratza Sette 270 Wi apart are subtleties that you’ll only really pick up on — and appreciate — when your espresso skills and palate have advanced a bit. But the thing about those niceties is that they’re like errors in the making of movies — once you’ve spotted them you just can’t unsee — or untaste — them. Remember when that Starbucks cup was spotted in the Game of Thrones? It’s kinda like that.

See Also: Baratza Sette 270Wi Review

Breville Smart Grinder Pro: Best Budget Burr Coffee Grinder

performs really well

Breville Smart Grinder Pro

Great value for money

60 grind settings

Suitable for espresso

Large LCD display

Includes portafilter cradles

Fantastic value for money

Not great for coarser grind sizes

While it has its flaws, the fact that the Breville Smart Grinder Pro produces a beautifully uniform espresso grind for $199.95 deserves a big thumbs up.

Keep in mind that the Breville Smart Grinder Pro is a bit like the Baratza Encore in that it’s best at one end of the grind range. So, it’s a hit for espresso but a miss on French press. As an added bonus, noise and static levels are tolerable.

There are a whopping 60 grind settings, with the finest powdery enough for Turkish coffee, which is a testimony to its serious wattage. While that’s great, it is going to see those stainless steel burrs heat up fast. So, go easy; you don’t want to singe your beans.

Also, watch out for an issue in the grind cup design. The opening in the lid is small and the vibrations that come from longer grinding sessions can bump it out of position below the chute, resulting in a collection loss of coffee grinds. Aside from the mess, this can potentially clog the grinder. Ditch the lid — problem solved.

You can also grind directly into a portafilter, which is nice.

The Breville Smart Grinder Pro won’t satisfy true coffee geeks, but such an impressively uniform espresso grind at that price is not something to turn one’s nose up at.

See Also: Breville Smart Grinder Pro Review

OXO Brew: Best Burr Grinder for Drip Coffee

best entry-level electric grinder

OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

Great for Drip and Pour Over


Sleek design

Tinted bean hopper

Stainless steel conical burrs

Stainless steel grounds bin

Not suited for espresso

If you’re in the market for an affordable and approachable burr coffee grinder, the OXO Brew Grinder could be just the ticket. Don’t be fooled by the OXO Brew’s budget price tag – having tested it out, I can tell you  $71.99 is a steal for this grinder.

Featuring an elegant, streamlined design and plenty of stainless steel in its construction, the OXO Brew grinder doesn’t skimp on quality. I especially appreciate the generous 12 ounce (340 gram) bean hopper, which is UV tinted and has an airtight lid.

Getting the best out of this grinder is fairly straightforward. The stainless steel conical burrs have 15 adjustment steps with micro adjustment settings in between. That means you can really dial in your preferred setting. There’s a timer function for grinding, which is really nice. Once you’ve found your ideal time/dose setting the grinder will remember it for next time.

In my experience, the OXO Brew Grinder is really effective for Chemex and other pour over methods. You’ll get a really consistent grind in the middle of the scale. What’s more, this grinder is great for AeroPress and moka pot lovers. However, French press aficionados should look elsewhere – the OXO struggles for consistency when it comes to coarser grind sizes.

See Also: OXO Coffee Grinder Review

Baratza Encore ESP: Best Mid-Range Burr Coffee Grinder

Affordable and Effective

Baratza Encore ESP

A Worthy Succesor to the Encore

Compact footprint

Very affordable

Suitable for all preparation methods

Durable construction

Confusing dosing system

Rather loud

The original Baratza Encore is one of my favorite grinders of all time. However, the updated Baratza Encore ESP certainly overshadows its predecessor in terms of performance.

Costing an entirely reasonable $199.95, the Baratza Encore ESP looks almost identical to its older sibling. However, it’s packing some exciting new features under the hood.

For starters, the Encore ESP is equipped with an improved M2 burr set, which promises even higher levels of precision. What’s more, Baratza has done something really clever to make the Encore ESP suitable for all coffee brewing methods.

You see, the first 20 grind settings have been specially calibrated for espresso preparation, with just 9 microns of burr movement per click. And the next 20 settings are calibrated for drip, French press and other brew methods. During my testing, I was really impressed by the Encore ESP’s performance, although there were a couple of confusing design flaws to contend with. Still, for this price, I’m willing to overlook small annoyances!

See Also: Baratza Encore ESP Review

Capresso Infinity Plus: Best Burr Coffee Grinder for French Press

affordable and consistent

Capresso Infinity Plus

A real bargain

Very affordable

Commercial-grade stainless steel conical burrs

Easy to use

Ideal for French press

Rather loud

Not great for pour over

Interestingly, some coffee grinders that excel at producing a consistent grind for espresso can struggle with coarse grounds. And I shouldn’t have to tell you that particle consistency is as important for methods like French press as it is for espresso. Otherwise, finely ground coffee can slip through the mesh filter and land in your cup.

Anyway, that’s where the Capresso Infinity Plus comes in. Sure, at $93.99, you might be wondering whether or not this grinder can actually deliver. However, I can assure you that the Infinity Plus truly shines at the coarser end of the spectrum.

Featuring a simple design, the Capresso Infinity Plus has 16 grind adjustment settings and a dial to set the grind duration. You might have to use a little finesse to get good enough results for pour over, but French press drinkers needn’t look any further.

See Also: Capresso Infinity Plus Review

Fellow Gen 2 Ode: Best Burr Coffee Grinder for Pour Over

ideal for pour-over

Fellow Ode

An amazing grinder for manual brewing

Impressive performance

Small footprint

Gorgeous design

Quiet in operation

Rather expensive

Not suitable for espresso

I don’t think I’m alone in having quite a crush on the Fellow Ode Brew Grinder. I mean, just look at how stylish and cool it is! That’s all very well, I hear you say, but is there any substance behind that style? Having tested the thing, my answer is resoundingly in the affirmative. This grinder is easily the best quiet burr coffee grinder.

As with other Fellow products, an incredible amount of attention to detail has gone into the grinder’s design. Aside from the obviously intuitive grind adjustment dial on the front, there’s a magnetic attachment to hold the grounds bin in place. Heck, there’s even a grinds knocker to eliminate chaff and residual dust.

In terms of performance, the Fellow Ode is equipped with 64 millimeter flat burrs and 31 adjustment settings. Aside from fast grinding and a high level of consistency, the burrs are ultra-quiet in operation.

The Fellow Ode Brew Grinder will set you back $345.00, which is no trivial amount. Still, I doubt you’ll find another grinder that looks as cool and grinds as well for the money.

See Also: Fellow Ode Review

Fellow Opus: Best Value Burr Coffee Grinder

Versatile and affordable

Fellow Opus

A game-changing burr grinder

Suitable for all brewing methods

Beautiful design

Great value

Small footprint

Easy to use

Rather messy

While the Fellow Ode really shines as a grinder for manual brewing methods, the manufacturer makes it very clear that it won’t work for espresso.

So, you can imagine how overjoyed Fellow enthusiasts were upon the release of the Fellow Opus, which was marketed as a true all-rounder. Not only that, the Opus costs just $195.00.

So, is the Fellow Opus too good to be true? Absolutely not. Sure, Fellow has made sacrifices in the build quality department, but the Opus still feels pretty solid. And there’s no denying it’s an attractive little thing. However, what really keeps the cost down is the inclusion of stainless steel conical burrs, rather than flat burrs.

During my testing, I was really impressed by this Fellow grinder’s consistent results across the grind size spectrum. Plus, its intuitive controls and single dose hopper make it a joy to use.

While the Opus is more than capable as an espresso grinder, its complicated inner ring for making micro-adjustments can get confusing. Still, for the price, it’s hard to really complain!

See Also: Fellow Opus Review

Brand Overview: Burr Coffee Grinders Sorted by Manufacturer

Depending on the manufacturer, you may find yourself wading through seemingly endless variations on a theme as you search for the best burr coffee grinder. While some of you may see that as an opportunity to get exactly what you want, I tend to get put off when confronted by too many choices.

With that in mind, I’ve decided to offer you a quick summary of each coffee grinder brand. I’ll give you some background on the manufacturer as well as my picks on which products to consider. Oh, and don’t worry, if I feel like there’s a bum grinder you should be aware of, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll give you a heads up.

The Comandante MK4  up close.

Comandante is a German manufacturer that’s been producing exemplary hand grinders since 2012. From what I can gather, Bernd Braune – the company’s founder – is a complete obsessive who made it his business to invent the best manual grinder in the universe.

Seriously, the guy spent 15 years perfecting his conical burrs before launching the first Comandante grinder in 2013. Still not fully satisfied, Braune kept trying to perfect his vision, subsequently releasing the MK2 and MK3 versions.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, there’s now a new kid on the block. The Comandante MK4 was released in 2021, with further improvements to the internal components and the addition of an unbreakable polymer-glass bean jar.

Porlex mini in use.

Porlex is a Japanese company that specializes in the manufacture of industry-leading ceramic products. It’s not surprising, then, that the company’s hand grinders employ ceramic burrs. In my experience, the ceramic conical burrs in both the Porlex Mini and the Porlex Tall are hard to beat. They’re super durable, extremely functional and hardly transfer any heat. I guess there’s a reason these hand grinders are so popular.

Anyway, aside from minor tweaks to the design of its grinders over the years, Porlex seems satisfied to produce just the two models. That’s just fine with me!

Hario V60 in use.

Hario is another Japanese company producing industry standard coffee gear. These guys have been in business for over 100 years, but it wasn’t until 1948 that they began producing coffee siphons.

Fortunately, Hario didn’t stop there, and today some of the most iconic coffee equipment bears the Hario name. I’m talking about the Hario V60 dripper, gooseneck kettle and the Hario Woodneck dripper. Best of all, Hario products tend to be really affordable and high quality.

When it comes to coffee grinders, Hario specializes in the manual variety. That said, the company does market a couple of electric grinders in Europe. Let’s hope they’ll be making their way over to this side of the pond soon! In the meantime, here’s a selection of Hario grinders worth considering:

Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder in Use.

I’d never really thought to look into the Baratza story until recently. I guess I was just too busy loving the manufacturer’s amazing coffee grinders. Anyway, it turns out the company is based in Bellevue, Washington, and has only been at it since 1999.

That’s amazing, considering Baratza has emerged as a true leader when it comes to producing high-end grinders. I mean, the Sette 270Wi has some serious competition in my kitchen, and I just don’t seem to be able to use anything else for espresso.

As you already know, Baratza produces more than just the aforementioned grinder. I already recommended the Baratza Encore as a solid mid-range option, so here are a few more drool-worthy options to consider:

Breville Smart Grinder Pro burrs.

Regular Coffeeness readers will know just how much I admire Breville. The Australian manufacturer produces a limited selection of well-designed and thought-out espresso machines, coffee makers and grinders.

Take a look at the Breville website and you’ll quickly understand who all this is marketed toward. I’m talking about folks who are interested in expanding their specialty coffee horizons, but with help along the way. In my experience, Breville has been very successful here, and its machines almost always impress me.

Other than the Smart Grinder Pro, Breville produces the Dose Control Pro, a mid-range burr grinder with a timer function. That’s all very well, but seeing as it costs $180.00, I’d say spend a little extra and go with the superior Smart Grinder Pro. At $199.95, it’s quite similar in price.


We’re all familiar with OXO. In fact, I’d be willing to bet all of you have at least one of the manufacturer’s many kitchen gadgets or utensils in your home. When it comes to coffee equipment, OXO really knows what it’s doing. In fact, the OXO 9 Cup Coffee Maker is currently one of my favorite drip machines.

Other than the OXO Brew Grinder that’s on my Top 10 list, the company produces a version with an integrated scale. The OXO Brew Grinder with Integrated Scale is definitely with considering … even though its $285.00 price tag seems a little steep.

Fellow Ode coffee grinder parts.

San Francisco, California-based Fellow actually started out in 2013 as a crowdfunding campaign. Since then, the company has continued to release coffee-related gear that has everyone foaming at the mouth. In a good way, that is.

As if the original Ode wasn’t enough, Fellow has recently launched a second generation version that’s even more precise. I’ve already talked a lot about the Fellow Ode though, so, I’ll take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the manufacturer’s other wonderful products. Be warned though; you’re likely to enter a rabbit hole that’s hard to get out of without spending a lot of money. Seriously, start browsing and you’ll want everything!

Capresso Infinity Plus burrs and controls.

I’d always imagined Capresso to be an Italian manufacturer. However, it turns out the company was founded in 1994 to sell high-end coffee makers on the North American market. Oh, and the name? It’s just a combination of “cappuccino” and “espresso.” See what they did there?

Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that Jura bought the company in 2008, after having been involved since 2002. Whether or not that was a form of squashing the competition on Jura’s part is up for discussion.

While the Infinity Plus certainly earned its place on my Top 10 list, none of Capresso’s other grinder offerings are up to snuff. Still, here’s a selection of what’s on offer:

The Eureka Mignon in black.

Eureka is a venerable Italian company that’s been producing high-end coffee grinders since 1920. In fact, Eureka grinders are still made by hand in Florence. What’s really cool about Eureka is that the company is constantly looking for ways to innovate. There’s no question of these guys resting on their laurels and relying on a respected brand name.

Obviously, that passion and attention to detail is reflected in the quality of Eureka grinders. And don’t imagine that they’re all out of your league price-wise. In reality, there are a few models that cost less than $300. Here’s a selection of Eureka grinders worth considering:

The 1zPresso J-Max in action.

Pronounced “easy-presso,” 1zPresso is a Taiwanese manufacturer that’s been making big waves in the manual coffee grinder sector over the last few years. In fact, these guys seem determined to completely conquer the hand grinder market by releasing as many models as they can!

Having tested the J-Max, I know that 1zPresso means business. And from everything I’ve heard, the company’s other models are equally as impressive. I won’t bore you with an exhaustive list, but here are a few of the most notable options:

What to Look For in a Coffee Grinder

I’m all for sharing is caring, so I’m happy to tell you exactly how I conduct my reviews — all the way down to what coffee beans I use and what I take into consideration. No secrets and no lies.

What’s the most important thing to look for when buying a coffee grinder? Well, a machine that matches your coffee brewing style and where quality is clearly a priority.

With that in mind, it’s possible to compare a good but affordable hand coffee grinder like the Zassenhaus Barista Pro with a stylish electric device like the Eureka Mignon Silenzio or the Rancilio Rocky. In fact, that’s exactly what you want. How else could you decide?

Breaking that idea down into specifics, these are boxes that the very best burr coffee grinder will check:

  • A match for your brewing style

  • Grind size can be steplessly adjusted

  • Little to no coffee grinds remain in the machine after grinding

  • Every single granule is a perfect replica of the next

  • The motor and grind mechanism don’t heat up the coffee

  • There’s little to no problem with static electricity

  • The grinder is safe, high quality and durable

  • The settings are intuitive, easy to follow and implement

You may have already gathered that it’s pretty difficult to determine those things when looking at a grinder in a shop or online. This is what makes it so difficult for your ordinary coffee lover not to be overwhelmed by all the wrong things — like price. Anyway, it’s rare to find a grinder that’ll check every single one of those boxes.

Particle Size and Consistency

Baratza Sette 270W coffee grinder

Chances are you’re sick of hearing me say it, but consistency in particle size is the single most important factor to consider when shopping for a grinder. To achieve an even extraction, you want your coffee grounds to be as uniform in size as possible. No matter how you’re brewing your coffee. Trust me, if you’ve only ever used a blade grinder, the results from a grinder worth owning will blow your mind!

Still, as we’ve seen, not all grinders can achieve consistency across the grind spectrum. For example, a hand grinder like the JavaPresse won’t be a great option if you’re preparing French press, although it’s an ace performer for Aeropress and espresso.

That’s why it’s important to choose carefully. You’ll need to select the best burr coffee grinder for your usual preparation method. That, or start a coffee grinder collection like me!

Grinding Speed and Heat

There’s a lot of confusion about grinding speed and how it relates to heat buildup. Obviously, if too much heat is created during the grinding process, you run the risk of damaging your coffee’s delicate aromas. However, don’t listen to folks who tell you higher speeds are to be avoided.

There’s a roundabout way to figure out how much heat the machine is likely to create. All self-respecting coffee bean grinder manufacturers should specify the machine’s grind capacity. In the case of the Baratza Sette 270Wi, it’s between 3.5 and 5.5 grams per second.

The higher the number of grams per second, the faster the coffee grounds pass into the portafilter or collection container. Faster is better because there’s less time for heat to build up through friction.

The same principle applies to hand coffee grinders. Often, the handle’s length and properties are decisive factors in minimizing heat.

If it’s shoddily designed, you’ll fight with the thing for ages just to get the revolutions going and keep up any momentum. And the longer you spend cranking away, the more your grounds will heat up.

Grind Settings

Setting the Grind Level of the Baratza Encore.

It’s all too easy to overstate the value of having a million grind adjustment settings. Sure, the best burr coffee grinder will have a high number of grind settings and will produce consistent results across the spectrum. However, those on a limited budget should look for a burr grinder that’ll perform well for their preferred preparation method.

What’s arguably more important than numbers is whether or not the grinder can be adjusted steplessly. Not being constrained by preset levels will allow you more freedom to precisely dial in your grind settings.

Burr Grinder Noise Levels

Let’s face it, coffee grinders are noisy. I mean, we are talking about a device that’s designed to pulverize coffee beans in a hurry! With that said, noise levels among grinders can vary quite substantially.

As you’d expect, the pricier the grinder, the quieter it’s likely to be. You’ll be paying for improved materials and more sophisticated soundproofing technology. Another thing to bear in mind is that conical burrs are often quieter than flat burrs. Still, that’s just a general rule of thumb and by no means always the case.

It almost goes without saying that a manual hand grinder is your best bet if noise is a major concern. Not only is there no motor to contend with, you can always go outside to grind beans in the morning!

The ABCs of Coffee Grinding Mechanisms

Conical burr vs flat burr vs blade coffe grinder

Let’s briefly revisit the coffee grinder mechanisms and why they’re important. For starters, the type of mechanism used in the design has a direct impact on the levels of heat generated. When you get down to it, the same requirements and material properties that I’m always jabbering on about with super automatic espresso machines apply here, too. But it’s worth going over again.

This style of grinding mechanism consists of two rings – usually with angled teeth – that lie flat on top of one another. The beans are crushed between the two rings. Moving the rings closer together or further apart adjusts the coffee grind size either finer or coarser.

Usually, a motor drives one of the concave burrs, while the other is fixed in place. Inside the burrs, centrifugal forces push the grounds outward, simultaneously grinding them finer until they drop through.

Pro baristas love this type of grind mechanism. Because when it’s built with the right caliber of components and workmanship, it produces highly consistent grounds and minimal heat. Just a heads up that those kinds of results also crucially depend on:

  • Burr diameter
  • The burrs achieving a high number of revolutions per minute (rpm)

Bigger burrs not only take longer to heat up but can also grind up more coffee beans at a time. Lazily turning burrs fail to meet the objective because longer grinding times mean they can’t beat the heat. Which brings us to the other downside of flat burrs: big burrs mean a bigger machine, especially if they’re driven by a motor.

Conical burr coffee grinders aren’t so very different from their flat burr cousins. But take a peek at the mechanism and you’ll see that the one burr nests inside the other. The coffee beans fall straight down as they pass from the wide end of the cone’s funnel and exit at the narrow end.

Since conical grinders tend to be more compact, there are a lot more options, both at the lower end of the price spectrum and in manual versions. You’ll hear a lot of people say that this setup requires less speed — rpm — to produce a quality grind.

They’re not wrong, but that’s alsonot always the case. Attach an under-powered motor to second-rate conical burrs and you’re guaranteed a bum grind. But the motor doesn’t need to be as high-end as is necessary for flat burrs, which is often the reason for the difference in price.

A downside to the design of — motorized — conical burr coffee grinders is that they often can’t be steplessly adjusted. The upside is they’re more likely to produce consistently small particles for espresso. The reason is that the coffee beans work their way down the full height of the cone, which often results in a finer grind than from a two-bit flat burr grinder.

From all my ifs and buts, it should be clear that no grinder mechanism is solely responsible for a superior grind. It’s a sum of many parts — the grinding mechanism, motor and machine design all have to work together.

Material choice is the subject of just as much musing — and ranting — as the grinding mechanism itself. Sure, metal has its disadvantages, but I like to take the middle road on this: both stainless steel and ceramic have their place.

Metal is obviously a better conductor of heat, which is why it’s all the more important that conical or flat burrs are made of the correct material to get the job done quickly. But I have to admit that steel has a durable robustness you’ve got to love. Metal mechanisms can be noisier, but with good insulation, you won’t even notice. In fact, it’s the quality of the sound that grates your nerves, rather than the decibel count.

As a case in point, my favorite grinder at the moment, the Baratza Sette 270 Wi, is a stainless steel conical burr grinder. If that’s an inferior material, you could’ve fooled me.

Manufacturers fall over themselves to proudly announce that their grinder has a ceramic mechanism. What’s the deal with that? Well, ceramic sounds more la-di-da and superior compared to the likes of ordinary old steel. Moving from emotional to more solidly rational grounds, ceramic is an extremely hard, smooth and neutral material that won’t impart any flavor. So theoretically, it’s a good choice for coffee bean aromas and fast grinding.

And you can’t argue with any of that. But ceramics are as weirdly paradoxical as diamonds. Like the gems, they’re hard enough to cut glass but so brittle they shatter when dropped. If your ceramic grinder suffers a serious knock, there’s every chance a burr will chip. I speak from experience. An undetected stone in a batch of beans damaged mine.

That’s not to say I’m anti ceramic burrs. I just don’t think they’re necessarily better than their stainless steel counterparts.

For the sake of completeness, I’m going to briefly touch on the blade grinders that are so plentiful in lower price brackets.

You’ll notice I’m NOT linking to any blade grinders because I really don’t think any of them are worth buying.

Why? Because a blade grinder is basically a blender in a different package. Nothing more. A pair of rotating blades chop randomly at coffee beans as they bounce off the container walls.

Some pieces are pulverized into fine powder, while others remain coarse. The opposite of a uniform grind, in other words. This is why you should steer clear of blades, whether in a coffee maker with grinder or standalone device.

Based on some of the comments I’ve read, there are actually people who grind their coffee and pepper in the same machine. Honestly, it leaves me scratching my head.

You won’t believe it, but I discovered my grandmother’s old blade grinder still floating around my parents’ house — a Krups Type309. I’ll say one thing for these machines: they’re practically indestructible. This old blade grinder must have worked its way through sacks of beans over the decades.

Tips for Adjusting Your Grind Settings

You’re not going to like this, but all things being equal, you should recalibrate your coffee grinder each time you open a new bag of coffee beans.

Think that sounds totally nuts? The thing is that the smallest variations in the roast or the bean surface affect what your coffee grinds look like.

You’ll notice this when, for instance, the new batch of beans suddenly comes out of the grinder chute faster or slower. Despite using the exact same settings, the grounds are actually coarser or finer.

This is just one of many reasons that I own several coffee bean grinders. I’m also not that keen on cleaning and resetting a machine with each new bag. How obsessive you get about this probably depends not only on the amount of money and space you have to play with but also on your taste for experimentation.

For example, if you’re an equal opportunity coffee drinker who enjoys both portafilter espresso and java from a French press, two grinders are practically essential.

That feel like a stretch? I recommend a manual coffee grinder for the French press and an electric burr grinder to make life easier with the portafilter. That’s exactly what I do when reviewing different coffee beans.

Visual Reminders

Portafilter filled with coffee grounds.

A word to the wise — having some sort of visual reminder of roughly what your optimal settings are for each brewing method is essential. It’s just too easy to absentmindedly bump or adjust the dial or ring on a grinder. And then you have to start the whole calibration process from scratch. Been there, done that. So, take a photo or make a marking, and save yourself the headache.

Hitting on the perfect grind size takes time. And since that varies from one brewing method to the next, here are a few tips to help you get there a bit faster.

But first, a very important point when adjusting any motorized grinder:

Always adjust the grind settings while the machine is running so the burrs can “settle into position.” It takes a couple of shots before the change in speed and grind size really becomes apparent. Take a good look at what comes out of the grinder — you should be able to spot the most subtle of changes to the consistency.

So, here’s an inconvenient but unavoidable truth: you can only tell if the grinder settings are spot-on after the coffee lands in your cup and you’ve tasted it. With espresso, of course, you get an early heads-up thanks to the flow rate and crema. But what about drip coffee or French press coffee?

For Drip Coffee

Settings on the Baratza Sette 270Wi grinder

Since your drip coffee maker needs a medium grind, the logical place to start on any grinder is slap bang in the middle of the scale.

If you’re lucky enough to land on the sweet spot straight away, your brew will have just the right amount of body. Depending on the roast, it could range from amber to burnt honey in color. As for the rate that the brew filters into the pot, you’re looking for a steady flow but not a deluge.

Coffee that gushes through indicates the grind is too coarse. If you’ve moistened and bloomed the grounds but there’s barely a trickle when the rest of the water is poured over, it’s too fine. Especially bitter manual pour-over coffee is the result of a grind that’s — unintentionally — too fine. The same goes for excessive acidity.

For Espresso

The Melitta Purista produces a shot of espresso

Spotting a perfect espresso in the cup is easy, but nailing the grind to produce it isn’t so simple. Remember that a suitably fine grind needn’t necessarily be your grinder’s lowest possible setting.

This is where the difference between the best burr coffee grinder and the things built into super automatic espresso machines becomes painfully apparent. Despite always maxing out a super automatic grinder to its finest setting, I’m often disappointed to find that it’s still too coarse.

You can tell if a coffee grinder is set too fine when the granules leave the chute sluggishly in great lumps that plop down with big pauses between. While this isn’t necessarily a serious issue for the grinder, it is going to be for the espresso you try to make.

How To Spot Excessively Fine Grinds

Inspecting the uniformity of coffee grinds.

There are two ways to spot an excessively fine grind in the portafilter: first, the espresso drips into the cup at a slow trickle. Second, the crema is very dark and uneven. Take a sip, you won’t be able to miss the blast of bitterness and how totally off the aroma profile is.

How To Spot Overly Coarse Grinds

Arne shows off a perfect espresso in a cup

When the grind is too coarse, both the granules and brew will make far too rapid of an exit from their respective machines. A very clear, strong jet of coffee is an unequivocal sign of under-extraction — and an excessively coarse grind. The coffee will be horribly pale and thin with virtually no crema.

Adjusting the grind size in the smallest possible increments is even more critical with espresso than with other brewing methods. If you have a stepless coffee grinder, you should just edge the dial over slightly with a thumb or finger. Unless of course, the settings are completely missing the mark.

From there, you just have to keep working through the cycle of adjusting the grind, checking the dose, pulling a shot, tasting and then go back to tweaking the grind. It’s that easy.

With that in mind, you’re probably starting to see the method to my madness when I recommend using several grinders and why I generally prefer a hand coffee grinder for testing several coffee beans.

How to Clean a Coffee Grinder

The Brigii Mini Vacuum for cleaning coffee grinders.

No water means no problems with moldy coffee residues, right? Not quite. Sure, there’s less risk of the Petri dish effect with a grinder than, for instance, a coffee machine with grinder or even a super automatic espresso machine.

But coffee beans are oily little critters. Given enough time, oil goes rancid. Yuck!

That’s why you also need to clean coffee bean grinders. But it’s pretty easy to do so. There are two basic cleaning rituals for coffee grinders:

  1. Running coffee grinding cycles with special cleaning granules. I recommend using Urnex Grindz

  2. Disassembly and vacuuming. The Brigii Mini Vacuum is perfect for this!

I perform the second task once a week. Those of you who don’t use your grinders as often can extend the interval — but only by a little! Honestly, it’s child’s play to take apart a coffee grinder.

That’s because one of the two — conical or flat — burrs has to move anyway. So it’s not difficult to remove it by hand from the mechanism by following the instructions in the user manual. Once you’ve done that, you can clean the rest of the grinder with a vacuum cleaner and scrub the removed burr again with a toothbrush. That’s basically all there is to it. Done and dusted.

Using Detergents

Going the detergent route is pretty popular, especially among those who get freaked out about disassembly. I get that. But I should point out that doing the job by hand saves you money. Plus, you can be sure that you’ve done a really thorough job.

Often the coffee bean hopper doesn’t get the attention it deserves either. The problem is this is where oils build up the fastest. Depending on the extent of the residue, a gentle wipe down might not do the trick. Remove the hopper and empty it out. Then, clean it by hand with food-grade soap and allow it to dry well before reattaching it.

Verdict: Which Burr Coffee Grinder Will You Choose?

Unpacking a new coffee grinder.

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations are in order. You can now consider yourself a burr coffee grinder expert!

Whether you’re making the switch from using pre ground coffee or upgrading from a tired old blade grinder, your coffee making future looks bright. Seriously, I can’t overstate how much a good burr coffee grinder will change your life!

I can only hope you found the best burr coffee grinder for your needs in this guide. Heck, maybe I even convinced you that there’s nothing weird about owning multiple grinders.

Feel free to bookmark this page so you can jump back in if you need a refresher. Plus, I’ll be updating this guide from time to time, so check back every once in a while.

That’s it for my best burr coffee grinder guide. Or have I missed something? Give me a shout-out — or at — in the comments. I’m all ears!

Burr Coffee Grinder FAQ

Both have their advantages. Manual grinders are cheaper, weigh less and even the more affordable ones can grind for espresso. Electric grinders are more convenient, but only achieve very good results above a certain price point.

I’d consider $100 as the entry point for a good electric grinder. A cheaper option will quickly reach its limits in terms of performance and is likely to break easily.

Actually, it doesn’t matter. The available degrees of grinding as well as the volume, consistency and ease of cleaning are much more important. In general, a flat burr grinder is considered to be of higher quality. However, this is only true once you reach a certain diameter, for which you pay a lot more.

Coffee is best enjoyed immediately after griding. The speed at which the quality of the beans degrades rapidly increases once the hard outer shell is cracked open. Moisture quickly starts to sink into the ground coffee.

Though it’s not unheard of to wait a few days, it’s not the best practice for sure. The beans are also strongly affected by CO2 depletion and oxidation.

For more technical information about this process, check out my crash course in the science of coffee beans.

Back in the day, people recommended that we all store our coffee in the refrigerator or freezer. What they didn’t realize was how moisture quickly degrades the quality of coffee.

Updated: 12. September 2024

We replaced the Baratza Encore with the Encore ESP for Best Mid-Range Grinder.

More updates
18. March 2024
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Arne Preuss

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

More about Arne Preuss

Hi! My name is Arne. Having spent years working as a barista I'm now on a mission to bring more good coffee to the people. To that end, my team and I provide you with a broad knowledge base on the subject of coffee.

More about Arne Preuss

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